almost certainly know the cartoon that uses swing for irony on the problems of making a product or service, you can see the opposite, but I am sure that you have received several times.
This is certainly capable of tearing a cartoon more than a smile but today I would analyze it under a different point of view, to discover why it succeeds in arousing much laughter so many people. The answer is actually quite simple: because, although it emphasizes a lot of the issues, it is a representation rather likely that, at least once, every one of us has found. The fact that the problem is so widespread is quite worrying, because it highlights how companies are unable to satisfy our customers .
Ever? For me, highlights the problems, I've come to really everyone is a supplier of services, both as a customer. I would therefore like to analyze with you situations 9 listed, to understand how these problems can be for your business, what has generated and how you can try to keep them under control.
Whether you take care marketing or the customer is looking for a service, this article may be useful, reading it you will find many opportunities to avoid the mistakes most underrated that may affect your work or assess the seriousness of a company you are about to entrust.
To deal in depth of each point and ease of reading, I have divided this article into two logical parts. The first part of this, it focuses on the analysis of situations involving stages of product realization . Then we go to watch the first five points and their swings, bad logic, it can create.
1. What the customer requires
frequently happens that a customer arrives with ideas unclear about what they want. Often he saw something similar to a competitor and what I want is something similar but enhanced. In short, has seen a swing and he wants, but his must have at least two seats more than the competition. What they are, or what it will do is a mystery that not even he managed to clear his head.
Other times the customer has everything clear in mind, but can not describe it . We find ourselves in such a situation where he believes he has effectively communicated the idea, but what you have implemented is completely different. The problem will be revealed at the end when, deliver the project convinced that giving him what he wanted and the customer is not at all satisfied.
How to get out?
The problem actually lies in the basic concept, in other words give the customer what they want. This rarely leads to a satisfied customer. should instead give him what he really needs . Obviously, not being properly selling a product different from that agreed, the first step is to start to discuss together the reasons which led it to request your services, how will you use the product and what results you wish. The whole process from design to completion until the service must be conducted in close contact. No one knows your needs as your client, but he has your experience in your field, that is why you hired!
Therefore, there is an alternative, you must leave immediately clear objectives and what our product can offer, and then proceed with meetings and training constant progress in order to avoid nasty surprises at the end.
2. What is promised
To try to persuade a customer to rely on our products often look to shine service more than they can really offer. So a simple swing becomes a comfortable armchair super equipped with accessories. Did you ever describe your product with cryptic words, deliberately hinted that something more than what is? The problem is that promise what can not be maintained, will increase the expectation and then betray . In doing so the finished product will be put in bad light, obscuring the merits that they do.
The most obvious are the dealer of used car just to sell, they invent a car that belonged to a senior " who used it only to go to market " and pretend like you the average consumption that the machine is only on the highway. Not for nothing is one of the categories of vendors where customers are trusted less, certainly not want to be like them. Therefore do not like them!
How to get out?
Ask specific questions before you start talking about your product ! The salesman first inquires as to what are the real needs of the client, process it quickly looking for the solution available, and then summarizes. It is important to believe in your product not promise more than it is capable of doing. Put hand in light of its actual features and explains what offer advantages and why they are important. Promotion focuses on what actually you and not what you think you may have.
3. The budget available
Customers often dream big, but are willing to invest a little. I realized that the main obstacle is the fear on return on investment. When then you have to do with virtual services, where the product is intangible, the insecurities increase. Often, behind a tight budget, it also hides a conviction not on the road you are going to go.
For example, many customers do not believe in selling their products online , but decided to also take this road because he has seen done to others or their nephew has "filled his head" with these ideas. They, however, I'm not at all convinced, then try to "lose" as little as possible in a case considered lost.
The problem is that you're getting into in a sort of vicious circle that will bring the poor expectations prove unfounded.
How to get out?
There is no way out, if you want to get good results, it is essential to invest the correct figure, it is important that our customers understand that. Quality has its price, it is not hard to find charlatans who offer a similar service at prices much more affordable, but the end result will be adjusted to the price. Rely on "professionals" Suddenly, in reality, he only drives up costs: you will need to spend after the Full amount to pay for remedies for a serious professional error. You might as well do immediately the right investment.
To overcome the fears of the client tries to offer him a long-term project, which starts with a small investment and aims to achieve a few goals and then grow and expand over time. The customer can then touch the results and will be encouraged to continue to invest. We must, however, be very clear about the results we can expect to get in early. In addition, planned future developments from the beginning, you will be able to organize a modular structure that allows you to expand the project every time without having to make radical changes.
4. What was designed
Another big problem, this time inside, is what it is designed. Often those involved in the design is hardly involved in planning and is found to operate in semi-autonomy.
For example, an online service you tend to give much importance to the interface design and underestimation of service that actually performs the task.
The end result is that the project meets the needs of production instead of customer needs .
How to get out?
In this case, to review the business logic. Maintaining separate processes of conception and design not adequately involving the designer in meetings with the customer, will only complicate the work of the following phases. Knock down some walls give designers all the material you need to make a work that fits the real needs . Also working in the right perspective, it is not always easy to achieve the goal: I often wonder if you're doing the right thing. The very fact that you're asking it to you means you're on the right track, even though the result will depend primarily on the experience that supports your professionalism. The key, however, is able to "give an identity " and go to a specific direction, trying to reach the final goal that you set.
5. How was it made
Looking at the picture, the situation is clear: the see-saw in the previous phase and was poorly designed and is now trying to remedy the situation, but the remedy has effects very unlikely. When the project was not well done, those who work for subsequent phases will be forced to repeatedly put hand to fit the original design and try to make it functional. Doing so, however, not only wasting a lot of time , but loses the overall view es'inizia to introduce a series of special cases which do not have other effects that result in loss of coherence to the project, possible bugs and make it difficult to introduce a future amendment.
How to get out?
This problem must be solved at the origin, to keep the project is an efficient overview. You must investing the right amount of time in planning : Starting with an idea and then change only hinted at in the race you will only waste time, even if initially you feel opposite.
With this event we conclude the fifth item on the logic of the swing, focused on the early stages of creating a product. The second and last appointment with the remaining four points, will focus on the customer relations and after sales aspects.
The second part will be published Thursday , but if you want to be sure not to lose it, do not forget to subscribe to our RSS Feed .
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