Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Low Hard Cervix Early Pregnancy

Alpha Widget Builder: create your computational engine of knowledge

Wolfram Alpha Widget Builder: crea il tuo motore computazionale di conoscenza

Several times we talked about Wolfram Alpha, the

"computational engine of knowledge", that "decodes and processes", weaving data available to it (knowledge base), showing definitions or performing calculations and comparisons as appropriate, instead of searching the web and return a list of hyperlinks. ( Wikipedia )

E 'can now create their own widgets, and its small application that uses the powerful engine, no programming knowledge. This is thanks to Wolfram Alpha Widget Builder.

I played a bit 'and I found it amazing. The editor guides you step by step through the many options. It starts with a query. In my example, I simply wanted to create a widget that is the birthday of someone famous. I wrote then "date of birth Maradona." Check the result, in the next step you choose which elements of the query variables. In this case, I highlighted "Maradona", without touching the rest. You may add items by drag & drop (text boxes, checkboxes, etc.)..


Then you choose what to display as output. In my case, I chose to display only the date of birth in dd / mm / yyyy. Last step is choosing the type of output (Lightbox, Popup, iFrame) and size of the widget.

save your work, we may decide to publish it (here the link to my widget test Date of birth) and of course each widget is associated with the embedded code to use it on your site.

The potential of the instrument is impressive, especially when you consider the field of mathematics. Do not hesitate to send us your widget.


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Posted by email from Internet Luca View

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cross Stitch Designs For Junior Cert

Stag Andrea

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Posted by email from Internet Luca View

Friday, July 23, 2010

What Is Butal-apap-325-caff

the day after is just as worse

and I found myself, inexplicably, to seek answers to questions posed badly.

imagining the dead alive, to be ready when this will happen.
live thinking about the betrayal, to reach that level of saturation that will allow me to break out without scoring, a single boom ends, but the calculated destruction.

've done a fair question - and I gave a wrong answer, only short-sighted
I gave a partial response, failure, hesitant,
delayed in its effects over time. like a frayed rope that does not take any more.

in the reality of the game, I get lost in understanding what is real and what is real and visible and hidden, and do not know what I should know, that in the eyes of the world is nothing and I speak as a subject.

expect to wake up in the act and turn it into tragic farce. no catharsis, no intervention: a desenlace anticlimatico dirt and leaves viewers with a bitter taste and criticism in a whisper.
apocalyptic revelation, reduced in effect, maintained in power, debased the act, - The masterpiece of a mediocre poet.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Who Does Malaria Affect

The importance of a good Avatar: why you should not hide behind the logo

A logo is basically a flag: graphically values, ideals and philosophies. Often, however, a flag can not do all the work alone. To inspire confidence and to better convey his message, he needed a leader and the leader for your business is you.

So put aside their shyness, because

support what you do by putting your face will help you gain the trust of your customers , making your brand more credible.

To win, you hope to get in the game

know exactly how, overseas, CEOs able to inspire consumer confidence in presenting their new products first hand. However, it could raise the question whether the same dynamics can also be applied in the beautiful country. As a psychological factor that crosses cultural and linguistic differences, the response can only be positive. Just think back briefly to the publicity that comes into our homes every day: we often get to see

CEO in situations more or less improbable, intent to sponsor their products.

The real pioneer in this art was

Giovanni Rana, who was able to enter the market with a higher quality product at a competitive price, but, equally important, was able to persuade Italians offering itself as a guarantor of the quality of the products . He could use a testimonial famous, but did not have the same impact: consumers know that mercenaries are able to promote either a telephone or a remedy for constipation in return for appropriate compensation. By publicizing its tortellini in person, instead, sent the message that believes in the goodness of his work and is willing to put himself into play .

I will not go beyond tell in this case history of success, why would exceed the scope of this post, but if I wanted to go into that I suggest reading "

Pasta, Love and Dreams ", written by the Vice Rector of the University IULM Emanuele Invernizzi .

The hard task of an Avatar

So far we have evaluated the benefits in terms of general marketing, but how to apply this to your Web presence?

The key is your

Avatar . The best use of that tiny little picture is the "secret" to convey your message more effectively credible and give a face to your company. The basic principle, however, does not change, you must use your own pictures . Whether it's corporate blog post, a comment on another blog or profile on socialnetwork , it is vital that you put on your face.

However, using different avatar will just disperse forces, confusing and fragmented perception of your identity on the web. In contrast, using the same, regardless of the service, you can create yourself an identity: all the efforts and actions, which appears on several fronts, will help define your image and with it to convey the message of your brand .

5 simple tips to improve your Avatar

As with

Giovanni Rana, have a reassuring look and able to send the right message is key .

Whether we like to admit it or not,

the first impression is what counts . However, you must have been lucky to have won the genetic lottery and the right face for the role. Just take some small steps so that your avatar to send the message you want and make a good impression.

  • Find a professional : Have you ever seen the difference between the official photos and those taken in secret to the VIPs? The shot right, the proper focus and proper lighting makes all the difference. A good image is able to make any interesting face and give him the right depth.

  • Report message : you're not doing a mug shot, you can not be perfectly front with wide eyes. Tries to be expressive, it sends a message (possibly positive) or at least try to appear enthusiastic and reassuring.

  • Clothes make the monaco , clothing is not just for cover, it also sends a lot of information about our personality, social status, lifestyle and mood. Try to wear something in keeping with the spirit of your brand, a full plaster cast is not indicated whether it represents a more youthful brand and sports. Also avoid covering the face with sunglasses, definitely give it a touch of star, but cover an important part as the eyes and then you make it hard to believe elusive.

  • A simple background : it is not necessary to have a white background, not the photo is for the license, but it is better to avoid too much detail chaotic background. The best solution is a neutral or monochrome (attentive to the psychological value of color), the more you can keep your company logo in the back.

  • Take a picture focused : In other words not to use a photo taken of celibacy goodbye to your brother, surely you jolly expression, but perhaps you're a bit 'too uninhibited. Instead of searching through the photos you already have an order that we can adapt, and make one specially designed for this purpose.

Not only Avatar

Avatar certainly plays the title role, but there is only him.

Have you ever thought of making a video tutorial? Not only can you explain how your product in a less tedious and more effective, but in doing so also show yourself, your expertise and your belief in your work.

In this case it is no longer a first impression, the desire to see the video already requires some interest, but it is a great way to strengthen the bond. There is not one of the most influential creator of a product to show how enthusiastically. In this way, the work started dall'Avarat will be brought forward from the video, where consumers can see and hear, thus increasing the perception of having to do with real people and not un'imperscrutabile company devoid of soul.

    • Business & E-commerce
  • Tags
    • Tips for Companies
    Read all articles by Luca Colli
  • ""

www.kgo.it / blog
I posted a new article on KGO's blog! I await your comments ....

Posted by email from Internet Luca View

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Enter Cheats On Gpsphone

Search images by setting only the color Multicolor

Esiste un sito web

che ci aiuta a trovare immagini selezionando solo il colore predominande, tutte le immagini sono sotto licenza Creative Commons trovandole nel grande archivio Flickr che conta oltre 10 Milioni di immagini.

sito multicolor E sufficiente selezionare dalle palette il colore predominande della immagine che cerchiamo, e un particolare software (

Multicolr Search Lab

progetto di Idée Inc  creatori anche del famigerato TinEye ) ci troverà tutte le immagini elebarate. Particolare di questro software è il fatto che sia possibile selezionare anche due colori cosi da affinare la ricerca ed essere maggiormente accurate.

happy digging!

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great way to search for images with a predominant background color!

Posted by email from Internet Luca View

Friday, July 16, 2010

Golds Gym Membership Prices

Hot from fear beer will !!!!!

Posted by email from Internet Luca View

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why Do Dogs Bark At Vacuum Cleaners

Tophost: EUR 10 per year all inclusive, including insults.

You are here: Home

" Various " Tophost: EUR 10 per year all inclusive, including insults.

Tophost: EUR 10 per year all inclusive, including insults.

M0rF3uS -
July 9, 2010
Posted in: Various , Linux
a couple of days is going a mess around the network, probably many of you already know about ...

Tophost, one of the hoster with the lowest price (and not coincidentally) of the Web, is doing a poor figure because of his attitudes, specifically speak Nicola , Evilsocket (also a victim Tophost service), and of course the one who is suffering the damage in these days: Lorenzo. What happens?

Lorenzo decides to do some operations on his blog, including the platform upgrade to WordPress 3.0, but the infrastructure Tophost not up to the allocation of

32 megabytes of memory during execution of ' upgrade, and then found himself planted in the middle with the update and the blog down for a few days, trying to open support ticket getting responses not useful to solve his problem. decides to open another one then and this is where the story begins, you paste a part of his article that illustrates this second ticket:

So I opened another:


:) I already opened a ticket, but your support I closed it with another answer!

I ask you to resolve the following error popped up installing wordpress

3 :(: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 52458 bytes) in / home/mhd-01/www.koalalorenzo.com/htdocs/wp-includes/class-simplepie.php 14,371 online

Eh, I already tried:

if (defined ('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT')) define ('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '48M ');
but apparently not I got no positive result. How can I fix this?


Dear Lorenzo, we understand, is defined as

a "Youth, Development, Lover of computer science and new technologies, but appreciate his sarcasm. E '

absurd that a script PHP requires more than 32MB of RAM to function. We recommend that you check what this requires excessive amounts of RAM to function and the disabilities. Unfortunately about our services you can not change your php.ini settings.

Now, a serious company, although such a sarcastic response would never date, it would in any case be limited to this and end the debate, except that the account appears Tophost twitter ...

Tophost: 10 euro lanno tutto incluso, compresi insulti.

followed shortly after by:

Tophost: 10 euro lanno tutto incluso, compresi insulti.

understand well we are the limits of the absurd! A company not only provides support to its customer (lorenzo solved only by removing her blog and again from an old backup) but it also allows you to tease


getting even a real insult as the second screen shot. Evidently Tophost of "top" has nothing, but .... Looks more like a jumble of peasants who have improvised bimbominchia hoster, it is interesting because their argument that, today, an application that requires php more than 32 megs of memory "

is an unnecessary use of resources

" pity those poor people do not know that the smooth installation of php on a linux lamp server, configure php.ini with a maximum of 128Megabyte space as the php script that can allocate temporary memory. Okay but you can not expect much to like them as we have seen. In essence, even if you have half a mind to rely on them for your web space, I recommend strongly

first read the discussion resulted in the comments of ' original article, since there is very long but also interventions direct the same Tophost understand who you're dealing with, and you will find links to other events occurring at different users. Among other things, being a friend of mine Lorenzo I have entered the discussion when I saw the big crap written by Tophost, and have not missed an opportunity to insult me even calling it a "

pimply kid that should cure acne instead of washing his mouth with terms which are not even know the full meaning.

, "and I'm pretty sure that the bimbominchia on duty who wrote that message you forgot to conclude with" puffunghè and now I tell my mother well. " I invite you to spread the news on your blog, twitter, friendfeed, facebook, qualsiasicosa, link to the original Lorenzo, thank you.

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assistance, hosting, web space , Tophost
About the Author

M0rF3uS the century ggiovine Alex is a 25 year old computer enthusiast and Linux. He works as a Network and System Administrator and in his spare time playing a bit with his camera (Canon EOS 1000D) succeeding sometimes by accident, making some decent shots. Complete kit, hobbies, "but I can not" ie astronomy and space .... it was one of those who would like to grow up astronaut (poor fool is not it?).
Certa people would do better to shut up??
This makes you understand how wrong that a service!

Personally I think that customers should always be treated with kid gloves even when they show their rude!

Posted by email from Internet Luca View

Friday, July 9, 2010

Creative Sound Blaster X-fimb

Comedy: Linux Java vs. Microsoft. NET (official trailer)

via youtube.com
Beccatevi 'I'm a funny video and well done :-)

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