Friday, June 27, 2008

Does Indomie Cause Cancer

and even 38 degrees - your life difficult

wake up at 7 am after having slept 3 hours
have a coffee and travel by bus, you have to have to go to secretarial
note that the battery in the mp3 player is low
to reach a totally arbitrary that it is not there can do (and expect several minutes with the sole aim of going back) 9
to achieve a warm home and stuffed peppers.

at 9.

and I do drink in the evening I spend time to act as an interpreter for a twenty year old in Dubai that only by right of birth is the richest landowners of the Piedmont. and I do aggratis and die if someone offered me a drink.

and I am now (at least) to study or decide to go

mail soon and I'll spend two hours watching a cartoon instead of random sleep (we decide to do nothing? Well, then we do not rest even , you know)


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