We place the announcement that MTV is spreading. For info or to confirm your desire to participate send an MP or write to the address in the ad by putting the attention of lmail Marzia Maggi and writing on that site you saw the ad.
PRECARIOUS I recommend: it is an opportunity to talk to us!
"MTV is looking for young" angry "with the world of work.'re A precarious
that does nothing to change jobs every month?
Are you a graduate who now considers his diploma just a piece of paper? Feeling
eternal intern? Have you had experience of working abroad?
Send us an email or a video message and tell your story.
Contact to
196/03 to inform you that D. Legislative Decree of 30 June 2003 No 196 ("Code
protection of personal data") provides for the protection of
people and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data.
Under that law, the data processing needs to be aimed at
principles of fairness, legality and transparency and the protection of your privacy and your rights
. MTV Italy Srl
set out to select / competitors for participation in the development of one or more
audiovisual programs that provide for the fixing of the images resumed
the audience and their dissemination through any media now known
technical or later invented. The information you provide will be treated
for the purposes mentioned above.
The data will be made through e-mail messages sent to the address you
by electronic means and all possible software, as well as through traditional
booklets, cards and paper files.
The data will be transmitted to the persons involved in the organization
from production and will be disseminated to the public television channel
bearing the mark "MTV: Music Television."
Your data is required for participation
the program and whether your refusal to provide the required data
result in the non-admission to the program.
The data controller is: MTV Italy Srl
headquartered in Rome, Via della Pineta Sacchetti 229, and administrative headquarters in Milan, Corso Europa 7
Registered in the Register of Enterprises of Rome No
22442/99 and the REA of Rome n. VAT No. 911071 05690981005
The data processor is that Henry Aprico
may contact by telephone at 027621171; a full list of those responsible
is available at the following address:
In regard to the processing of personal data from our
company, you will have the right to exercise the rights under Art.
7. of Legislative Decree no. 196/03, the text attached.
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